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Friday, June 15, 2012

Miles and his moccasins

This past week I sorted through all of bubbies clothes that he has already grown out of. I set aside a handful of special pieces that I want to hold on to and the rest I bagged up for our friends and resale. It was wild to look at all of his tiny clothes he has outgrown but fun to go through the stored bins of clothes that will actually fit him now. Its cool to see him wear some of the moccasins that I collected this past year. It's pretty incredible to think that Miles is already six months old! I was thinking about pregnancy today and how the last few months weeks felt like eternity. I wanted to see my boy SO bad! I imagined holding him in my arms a thousand times, kissing his sweet round cheeks. I was anxious about not exactly knowing how to be a mother and if I would be a good one at that. I wondered if his face would resemble papas or what his hair color would be. I consistently collected moccasins for Miles because I think in a small way they helped me feel connected to him in something that I could actually touch and see. He has around 12 pairs now and hardly wears any of them (who knew my baby would have the chubbiest feet!?) but when he does it's a pretty damn cute sight to see.

  I watched We Bought a Zoo last night and it was super sweet. I basically cry during every movie now. Me and my 9 year old niece are total sissies like that. Steve is real good at making fun of romantic comedies, most comedies, anything with romance, sensitive characters, Matt Damon, happy endings, Elizabethtown... Needless to say I made him leave the room. Oh, and drop on by the giveaway!


  1. I'm so in love with all those moccasins!! And Miles' adorable face!
    Susan :)

  2. Hi Cora! This is a super sweet post... Miles, and his moccasins are very lucky to have such a great gal for a mama!
